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More than Just a License Plate
In today’s fast-paced environment, security, surveillance, and mobility operators require the most advanced tools to make informed decisions. MANTIS 4-D transcends traditional vehicle recognition, employing artificial intelligence to analyze vehicle attributes with remarkable accuracy and speed. Whether identifying a vehicle’s brand, color, or unique features, MANTIS 4-D is an essential tool in any cutting-edge security system.

Creating Insight

Enabling you to make decisions for investigative purposes, access regulations and improve charging mechanisms.

Enhance Your Data

Supplement traditional vehicle detection data (time, location, license plate) using the latest in image analytics to determine broad vehicle characteristics including brand, color, type as well as special features such as roof rack or ride-share stickers!

Streamline Your Operation

MANTIS 4-D creates faster impact, with less manual effort, enabling you to focus on results! Proven to reduce manual image review by over 90% while improving operational results for your analysts!

Vehicle Type/Class

Identify trucks, cars, SUV, sedans and many more for analysis purposes

Vehicle Brands

Ranging from some of the most common to rarest vehicles

Vehicle Color

Full range of vehicle colors

Vehicle Characteristics

Roof racks, spare wheel, specific logos, etc. – which can be crucial to your analysis and investigation!

MANTIS 4-D Delivers:

  • AI-enabled vehicle recognition solutions enhancing performance beyond traditional license plate recognition
  • Flexible platform, configurable to the wide ranging needs across enforcement, mobility & security sectors
  • Substantial impact, driving precise decision making, faster and more cost-effective across your operation

Flexible and Proven

MANTIS has already processed billions of images from a wide array of camera systems, both 3rd party and proprietary. New “customer-specific” innovation developed to fulfill specific end-user needs where required. Developed with flexibility in mind, MANTIS allows for customized capabilities to be readily created and added.

Innovation and Evolution

The MANTIS platform is constantly improving with new features being created and performance being enhanced to support your operation.

Accelerating Your Vision

At Neology, we re-imagine mobility to accelerate your vision of a smart city and safer communities.

By closely collaborating with our customers, we connect existing infrastructure assets with next-generation technology to modernize the way people move. Backed by a culture of innovation, we help create safer, cleaner, more efficient mobility experiences that support sustainable growth and help communities thrive.